contoh makalah permasalahan pendidikan di indonesia dalam bahasa inggris



Name: Chintia Agatta Situmorang
Teaching Faculty of Education Indonesian
YEAR 2014


I pray Praise presence of Almighty God, for the grace and gifts so that I can complete a paper entitled diIndonesia education issues, and I also want to say thx to my supervisor Hj.DEWI MURNI M.Hum
I realize that there are still many fundamental flaws in this paper, therefore, I hope readers can provide criticism and suggestions on the paper that I made this telas,
Final word I say, thx, and hopefully this paper can provide a benefit to the reader.

                                                                                 TanjungPinang,19 April 2014

                                                                                      Chintia agatta situmorang



Ki Hajar Dewantara, as leaders of National Education of Indonesia, laying a solid foundation for the national progressive education of present and future generations to formulate the notion of education as follows:
Education generally means in its power to promote the growth of good character (inner strength, character), mind (intellect and the body of the child); Students are not allowed in the park separated parts of it so that we advance the perfection of life, life, life and livelihood of our children are students, in harmony with his world (Ki Hajar Dewantara, 1977:14)


A. Fundamental Problems of Education in Indonesia
For people who are competent to education will realize that our education is still experiencing "pain". The world of education is "sick" This is because education is supposed to make a human being human, but in reality is often not so. Seringkalipendidikan not humanize humans. Human personality tends to be reduced by the existing education system.
The first problem is that education, especially in Indonesia, produces "human robots". We say so because of the education given turned out lopsided, in other words is not balanced. Education turns out compromising the integrity, lack of balance between learning to think (cognitive) and behavioral learning feel (affective). So the element of integration tends to get lost, which is disintegrating. Though learning is not just thinking. Because when people are learning, then the people who are learning the undertaking various activities, such as observing, comparing, doubt, love, spirit and so on
The second problem is that the education system of top-down (from top to bottom) or when using the term Paulo Freire (a prominent educators from Latin America) is a bank-style education. Sistempendidikan is very freeing for the learners (students) are considered human beings who do not know anything. Teacher as giver directs the students to memorize mechanically the narrated what the lesson content.
Teachers and students as a filler filled. Brain pupil is seen as a safe deposit box, where the knowledge of the teacher and the students transferred into the brain at any time when required, the knowledge captured live alone. Pupils only accommodate anything delivered teacher.
So the relationship is as subject teachers and pupils as objects. This educational model is not exempt because the students are very oppressive. Freire said that the bank pendidikangaya knowledge is a boon granted by those who consider themselves knowledgeable to those who are considered to have no knowledge of anything.
The third, from the educational model of human generated so then education is only prepared to meet the needs of the times and not be critical of his day. Man as an object (which is a form of dehumanization) is a phenomenon that is precisely contrary to the vision of humanization, causing humans deprived of their cultural roots (as in the East / Asia). Do not we have both seen how young people these days are so infatuated with the things of the West? Therefore, the strategy should be fused education in Indonesia in "Asian cultural strategy", because Asia has now evolved as one of the
strategic determinant in the economic, social, cultural, political and even international
B. Quality of Education in Indonesia
There are two factors that affect the quality of education , especially in Indonesia , namely :
- Internal factors , including the ranks of the world 's education both DepartemenPendidikan national , regional Education Department , as well as schools that are in line depan.Dalam this case , interference from related parties is needed for education always is always maintained.
- External factors , is a society in umumnya.Dimana , public education is an icon and is the purpose of the study is as daripendidikan object .
Many of the factors that cause the quality of education in Indonesia is getting worse . These factors are:
1 . Low Quality Physical Infrastructure
For example, physical facilities , many schools and colleges we were the buildings destroyed , ownership and use of the low learning media , library books are not complete . While not a standard laboratory , inadequate use of information technology and so on . In fact there are many schools that do not have their own buildings , do not have libraries , laboratories and so do not have .
2 . Low Quality Teachers
The state of teachers in Indonesia is also very alarming . Most teachers have not had sufficient professionalism to carry out their duties as referred to in Article 39 of Law No. 20/2003 that the learning plan , implement learning , assessing learning outcomes , coaching , training , conduct research and perform community service .
3 . Welfare Low Teacher
The low welfare of teachers have a role in making the low quality of education in Indonesia . With low incomes , frankly many teachers had to do a side job . There is teaching again at another school , giving lessons in the afternoon , a motorcycle taxi drivers , merchants boiled noodles , trader books / LKS , pulses traders phones , and so on .
With the Law on Teachers and Lecturers , perhaps the welfare of teachers and lecturers ( PNS ) somewhat tolerable . Article 10 of the law already guarantees the feasibility of life . In the article it is mentioned teachers and lecturers will receive appropriate and adequate income , among others, includes basic salary , allowances attached to the salary , allowance , and / or special allowances and other income related to its work . They are appointed local government / district government for specific regions are also entitled to a home office .

4 . Low Achievement Students
With such a situation ( lack of infrastructure , quality of teachers , and teachers' welfare ) student achievement becomes unsatisfactory . For example, physics and mathematics achievement of students in the international Indonesian extremely low . According to Trends in Mathematic and Science Study ( TIMSS ) 2003 ( 2004) , Indonesian students only ranks 35th out of 44 countries in mathematics achievement and ranks 37th out of 44 countries in terms of science achievement . In this case our students' achievement of students far below Malaysia and Singapore as the neighboring states .
In terms of achievements , 15 September 2004 for the United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP ) has also announced the results of the study of human qualities simultaneously around the world through its report entitled Human Development Report 2004 . 's Inside Indonesia 's annual report only the 111th position from 177 countries . When compared with neighboring countries , the position of Indonesia is far below.
5 . Lack Equal Education Opportunity
Educational opportunities are still limited to the elementary school level . Data Research and Development National Education Ministry and the Directorate General of the Ministry of Religious Binbaga 2000 shows net enrollment ( NER ) for primary school age children in 1999 reached 94.4 % ( 28.3 million students ) . The net enrollment ratio were high . Enrollment in junior secondary education is still low at 54 , 8 % ( 9.4 million students ) . Meanwhile early childhood education services is still very limited . Failure of early childhood development in the future will certainly hamper the development of human resources as a whole . Therefore we need educational equity policies and strategies appropriate to address the issue of inequality .
6 . Low Relevance Educational Needs
This can be seen from the number of unemployed graduates . Data BAPPENAS (1996 ) collected since 1990 shows the unemployment rate faced by high school graduates by 25.47 % , amounting to 27.5 % Diploma/S0 and PT of 36.6 % , whereas in the same period employment growth is quite high for each education level is 13.4 % , 14.21 % , and 15.07 % . According to data from Research and Education Ministry in 1999 , each year approximately 3 million children drop out of school and do not have the life skills that lead to employment problems of its own . The existence of incompatibility between educational outcomes and the needs of the workforce is due to lack of curriculum materials funsional the skills required when students enter the workforce .
7 . Costly Cost of Education
Quality education is expensive . The phrase often appears to justify the high costs for the society received his education bench . The high cost of education from Kindergarten ( TK ) to university ( PT ) makes the poor have no choice but to not go to school . Poor people should not be school .
To enter Kindergarten and Elementary School at this time will cost Rp 500,000 to Rp 1,000,000 . There's even picked up over $ 1 million . Log in junior high / high school could reach Rp 1 million to Rp 5 million .
Increasingly high cost of education today is not separated from government policy to implement SBM ( School Based Management ) . SBM in Indonesia in reality be interpreted as efforts to mobilize funds . Because of this , the School Committee / Board of Education which is the organ of MBS always required the element of entrepreneurs .
* . Solution Education in Indonesia
To solve the problems , such as poor quality of infrastructure , poor quality of teachers , and others as described above , in general there are two solutions :
- Systemic solution , namely the solution by changing social systems related to the education system . As we all know the education system is closely linked with the economic system is applied . The education system in Indonesia today , applied in the context of the economic system of capitalism ( neoliberalism schools ) , which among other principled minimize the role and responsibilities of the state in public affairs , including education funding .
- The technical solution , the solution involves technical matters directly related to education . This solution , for example to resolve the issue of teacher quality and student achievement .
Solutions to technical problems returned to the practical efforts to improve the quality of the education system . The low quality of teachers , for example , in addition to be a solution to improve the welfare , are also given a solution to the financing of teachers continue to pursue higher education , and provide training to improve the quality of teachers . The low student achievement , for example , given a solution to improve the quality and quantity of learning materials , improve teaching aids and educational facilities , and so on .
So with these solutions pendidikandi Indonesia is expected to rise from the ground , so as to create new generations of high berSDM , Pancasila and dignified personality .


A. Conclusions
There are so many factors that make low kualitaspendidikan in Indonesia. Factors of a technical nature which are the low quality of teachers, poor infrastructure, high cost of education, low student achievement, low teacher welfare, the low relevance of education to the needs, the lack of equal education opportunities. But the fact that a fundamental problem of education in Indonesia is sistempendidikan in Indonesia itself that makes the student as an object, so that human generated from this system is the only man ready to meet the needs of the times and not be critical of his day. So this is where it takes cooperation between the government and mesyarakat to overcome all the problems of education in Indonesia.


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